Directories Listing


A directory listing is a type of Web page that lists files and directories that exist on a Web server. Designed to be navigated by clicking directory links, directory listings typically have a title that describes the current directory, a list of files and directories that can be clicked, and often a footer that marks the bottom of the directory listing.

Much like an FTP server, directory listings offer a no-frills, easy-install solution for granting access to files that can be stored in categorized folders.


Webs Utility is a pay-as-you-go service. Hand-pick the most relevant sites. Only pay for what you need.

  • Manual listing submissions from just $2 per site
  • Aggregator submissions starting from just $15 per year

Benefits of an online business directory for your business:

  • Enhance your online presence: When you search for your business on search engines like Google and Bing, you may come across your business listings on several directories where you never submitted for business details. This happens because many business directories and listing websites extract business details from larger directories and create listings. Getting listed on an online business directory automatically means getting listed in many more.
  • Improve your local visibility: Many large business directories offer advanced filter options that enable your customers to connect with you in your area. Local business directories are useful for targeting customers in your local community.
  • Get discovered easily: By ensuring that your business details are accurate on different online web directories and listing websites, you can increase your chances of getting discovered whenever customers search for services or products like yours, even if they don’t search your business name directly.
  • Create your brand awareness: When customers perform a search in an online business directory, a list of matching results, each with a snapshot and business details are listed. To learn more about the business, you can click on it. In this case, even if the customer does not click on your business name, they still see your business. Each time a customer sees your business, it increases the awareness of your brand in the customer’s mind.
  • Boost your SEO: Search engine optimization is the technique of using your web content in such a way that search engines find it useful and rank it higher in relevant search results. Online business directories and listing are a great platform to supplement your already existing web content and give it extra validation to gain the trust of search engines such as Google and Bing.
  • Rank higher on Google: SEO is a good practice to establish your business on the first page of Google, but it can take up to six months to start seeing the results. An online business directory, on the other hand, is considered a valuable and trusted source of information by Google. It’s the first page of results that usually contains results for online business directories.

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