Mobile Testing services

Secure Mobile UI Testing to ensure best in class customer experience


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Why Mobile Testing?

Mobile devices are inarguably the most disruptive technology invention in recent times and have had an impact on human lives like no other. With the number of mobile devices surpassing the number of human beings on earth, making your application mobile-ready is key to keeping today’s digital consumers happy.

Across enterprises of all sizes, mobile apps have fueled growth in business operations and customer services. However, with the variety of platforms, devices and networks, there is significant infrastructure required for mobile testing services. The testing is either not exhaustive or very costly due to the sub-optimal approach used for testing.

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Advantages of Mobile App Testing

A mobile app development company that isn’t serious about quality is unlikely to succeed, sending all the hard work down the drain.

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Better UI/UX

Testing allows QA engineers to put themselves in users’ shoes and assess the overall app experience. They explore the logic behind the application and double-check if it’s intuitive and convenient to follow. It’s essential, however, to keep running UI and UX tests throughout the entire development life cycle if you’re expecting impressive results.

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Proper Functioning

QAs’ mission is to make sure that an app functions without a glitch. They check if an application performs properly under specific performance requirements: different load conditions, changing networks, etc. Every QA team decides for itself whether it will be using real devices for testing or emulators. When weighing up these two options, we strongly recommend against putting all your eggs in one basket.

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Loyal Users

In the end, it’s all about the user. People who enjoy an app will keep using it and even recommend it to their friends. This will help your business build a strong reputation in the industry and reach an even wider audience. But you will never achieve a high level of loyalty is your app keeps enraging users. So, be sure to test often and test a lot.

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Mobile Testing Services


Functional Testing:

Verifies that the Mobile App functions as specified in the design document.


Compatibility Testing:

Check compatibility across devices OS, browsers, backward and forward system support.


Performance Testing:

Assess responsiveness , operating capacity, scalability and readiness of the app.


Security Testing:

Verify data integrity, storage issues, tainted inputs and security of activity logs.


Usability Testing:

Ensures that users are able to perform the intendede tasks on the app satisfactionity.


Test Automation :

Automation of mobile regression test suites.

Why Choose Webs Utility for Mobile Testing ?

Our Mobile Testing Services bring the industry-leading expertise of Webs Utility’s Mobile Solutions and Testing Global Service Lines. We have a proven track record of supporting clients in identifying and implementing their vision and business needs for mobile solutions. With the increasing usage of mobile channels, ensuring a high quality experience is critical to customer and employee satisfaction. Webs Utility’s Mobile Testing Services provide organizations the opportunity to maintain high quality whilst reducing costs and time-to-market.

  • 14+ Years Experience
  • 100+ Team Members
  • 1 Year Free Support
  • Agile Development
  • Transparent Process
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