Accounting Software for Electronic Billing Services Simplified Tax Invoice As per Saudi Arabia Government

Webs Utility helps you build a comprehensive and optimized cloud accounting software that takes care of your business. From accounting, tax invoicing, E-invoicing, stock tracking, bank reconciliation, and managing projects, to automating workflows, and keeping your business GST compliant everything will be taken care in one software.

For your fast growing business, you can trust our firm in taking a big step towards your online growth. In today's scenario online technology has taken a new turn that implies you to take some business actions in order to minimise your time consumption. New strategies, innovations, solutions, and complexities have been discovered from long ago for managements now its your turn to apply these innovations in your management.

Webs Utility's easy Accounting Software Solutions takes control of all your accounting frameworks so you can invest your precious time in other persuits that are more important. Our cost effective services helps everyone from small business merchats to big enterprises take our services.
A bold new solution to all your accounting needs.

Cloud-Based Accounting Software From Webs Utility

Here at Webs Utility we have different solutions based on your company size. Big enterprises needs different softwares to minimise thier time consumption, Accounting software is one of them. Having an accounting software eases your work load and helps you in different areas like invoice making, e-billing, taxing, e-invoicing and many other.

Create Your Biggest Asset:
Cloud-Based Accounting Software Now!

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Services that we are Providing in Our Accounting Software

End-to-end accounting

Right From starting a deal, negotiating it to raising sales order , tax and invoicing, Our Accounting software is one stop solution for all your needs.

GST compliance

Creating GST invoicing, Calculating tax liability, and file your tax returns directly. ALl your requirements will be included in your Accounting Software.


Spend more time doing work that will give you more fruit than making an invoice. There's inbuild template for making invoice in our accounting software. just directly type into the template and send an email.

Integrated platform

Your fast flourishing business further will need more of services like billing software, HME software or CRM software. So, In future you can integrate you existing software accordung to your convinence.

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Webs Utility Global | Agile Custom project Workforce | United Kingdom

Invoice with QR code

Our Packages


Starter Package
Includes Accounting of All Your Expenses

4000 USD

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Intermediate Package
Includes Accounting, Making Invoices

5500 USD

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Standard Package
Includes Accounting, Invoices, GST Billing

7000 USD

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Accounting Software as per Saudi Arabia (KSA) Government Workforce Model

In brief

The Zakat, Tax and Customs Authority (‘ZATCA’) has published a new guide providing explanation / clarification in relation to development of of a compliant QR code for E invoices.

In accordance with the e-invoicing Resolutions issued by ZATCA earlier, simplified invoices must contain a QR code containing certain prescribed information.

The guide can be downloaded from this link.

In detail

The guide issued by ZATCA provides some technical information/ clarification in respect of the following:

  • QR code specifications along with timelines to mention required details (generation vs integration phases) as detailed in the below table:



Due Date

Seller’s name


4th           Dec 2021

VAT registration number of the seller


4th Dec 2021

Time stamp of the invoice (date and time)


4th Dec 2021

Invoice total (with VAT)


4th Dec 2021

VAT total


4th Dec 2021

Hash of XML invoice


1st Jan 2023

ECDSA signature


1st Jan 2023

ECDSA public key


1st Jan 2023

For Simplified Tax Invoices and their associated notes, the ECDSA signature of the cryptographic stamp’s public key by ZATCA’s technical CA


1st Jan 2023

  • Tag, Length, Value (also referred to as TLV) file format and its creation along with explanation of some common mistakes.

  • QR code presentation

Following the publication by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) General Authority of Zakat & Tax (GAZT) of the E-invoicing Simplified Tax Invoice with accounting software  regulations, Webs Utility Global has set out below our recommendations of actions businesses should take ahead of the new rules coming into effect.


GAZT issued the final Online electronic based invoicing with accounting software  (e-invoicing with accounting software ) regulations in Arabic on 4 December 2020, setting out that it will be mandatory for resident taxpayers to be fully equipped to issue, save and modify E-invoicing Simplified Tax Invoice s by 4 December 2021.

The regulations specify the terms, requirements and conditions related to Online electronic based invoices and Online electronic based credit and debit notes. That said, the exact type of E-invoicing Simplified Tax Invoice with accounting software  system is yet to be formally published; we expect to see this in the New Year.

It is important to note that the E-invoicing Simplified Tax Invoice with accounting software  regulations will attract all the provisions related to a tax invoice in the VAT legislation, and any non-compliance will result in penalties from GAZT.

The regulations also note that in addition to these regulations and the VAT legislation, the provisions relating to proof of Online electronic based transactions and Online electronic based signatures provided for in the Online electronic based Transactions Law in force in KSA shall apply to Online electronic based invoices and notes issued.

Along with the regulations, GAZT has also published an e-invoicing with accounting software  guide and FAQs.

Key provisions

The following key points should be considered by businesses operating in KSA:

  • E-invoices must be issued from 4 December 2021 (first phase).

  • At a later date, the second phase will come into effect, whereby taxpayers’ systems of issuing Online electronic based invoices and debit and credit notes must be linked with GAZT’s systems to share data and information.

  • Details of the requirements, controls, and procedures for the above phases will be issued no later than 180 days from the date of the publication of the regulations (4 December 2020).

  • E-invoices must be issued in Arabic (additional languages are permitted, in addition to the required Arabic).

  • The E-invoicing Simplified Tax Invoice with accounting software  provisions apply to all taxable supplies subject to the standard or zero rate of VAT and to both resident and non-resident consumers (i.e. for sales outside KSA).

Why is the KSA government implementing E-invoicing Simplified Tax Invoice with accounting software ?

The KSA government is implementing E-invoicing Simplified Tax Invoice with accounting software  for a number of reasons. These broadly fall into two categories: efficiency and security.

E-invoicing with accounting software  can increase efficiency in transactions by making trade more seamless, efficient, and result in faster payments and reduced costs, whilst providing the government with greater insights on market conditions. This also enables fair competition, increases business competitiveness and improves consumer protection in the market, in line with international best practices.

From a security perspective, E-invoicing Simplified Tax Invoice with accounting software  allows the government to detect and reduce the shadow economy and to monitor the movement of goods, services, and money in (near) real-time, depending on the model that will be implemented. This in turn would lead to achieving increased tax compliance rates, provide increased transparency on commercial transactions and allow data-informed decision making.

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