B2B Lead Generation

Scale your Sales Faster with ROI-Driven B2B Lead Generation Campaign

What is B2B lead generation?

B2B lead generation is the process of identifying the ideal customers for your product or service, then attracting them to buy. It is an essential activity for B2B sales and marketing teams.

This knowledge hub contains a number of resources that will help to explain the importance of B2B lead generation, and provide practical advice for getting it started at your business today. Use the links below to navigate around this page.

Benefits of using B2B Lead Generation Service:

  • Boost your content across devices
  • Inspire your audience to take action
  • Start generating leads in minutes

B2B Lead Generation Starter Kit

  • Customer persona:

    A good persona uses a data-driven approach to discover the biggest pain points of your customer, their gaps in knowledge, and how they consume information. If you haven’t got one already, here’s a great guide to persona creation.
  • Content:

    once you’ve chosen a persona, next craft a piece of content to solve one of their business challenges, or fill a gap in their knowledge. This content can take many forms: ebooks, webinars, Podcasts Free software, Whitepapers, Video series the list goes on. Creating content your readers love isn’t always easy, especially in B2B.
  • Landing page:

    once your content is identified and created, you’ll need to build a dedicated landing page for it to sit on. This page outlines the incentive of why the reader should give up their email address in order to receive the free resource.

  • Form and call to action (CTA):

    now you’ve got your landing page sorted you need a way to gate your content. Gating simply means users need to enter their email address before downloading the asset. The action of filling out the form is what converts them from a browser to a MQL.

In marketing parameters, marketing qualified leads (MQL) are defined as leads that have a high conversion potential. They are typically at the top of the sales funnel.

These leads are generated through our tech website, Techresearchonline.com. The MQLs are identified by tracking visitors who actively show interest in the whitepapers on this site. Often, this is by downloading them through a customized landing page.

An intent based-content syndication program is run to unveil deeper insights about the identified leads. An AI-powered automation tool helps us capture and interpret behavioral data from the leads.

The MQLs are then vetted, qualified, and gauged for inside sales-readiness. Prospects that show clear interest in receiving call backs from inside sales reps are identified.

At this point, quick response to queries is critical. Constant dialogue is also maintained and communication between marketing and sales teams is crucial.

Sharing of repetitive information should be avoided – because it assumes leads have no prior knowledge of your products and services. Instead, the sales team should continue the story that has been built via marketing.

A SQL, on the other hand, is a lead which has the intent to buy. These leads are actively looking to purchase and could have requested pricing or a product demo. These are prime leads for the sales team to convert into customers.

More importantly, these are the leads sales are happy to see in their inbox.

Why is B2B lead generation important?

B2B lead generation is fundamental to the success of a business. We have identified several factors that demonstrate its importance for B2B sales and marketing teams, as well as the wider business. We have set them out here 👇

Why Choose Webs Utility?

webs Utility is a team of experts who can provide your business with the wealth of experience to build enterprise applications. We proceed the lead generating process with 100% transparency and are dedicated to delivering applications and solutions on-time.


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We offer cost-effective pricing list to build customized enterprise applications and solutions.

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We make sure to have consistent and effective client communication via email, on-site, on phone, project management software or other digital portals/channels.

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Webs Utility has a prolific history of serving a number of sectors with a cross-platform approach towards building the customer-focused web solutions with influential strategies matching the profundity of your business.

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