Broadcast & Live Events

Mastering the Spotlight: Elevate Your Broadcast & Live Events with WebsUtility

In the fast-paced world of live broadcasts and events, every moment counts. Your
organization'sreputation is on the line, and your spokespersons need to shine.At WebsUtility,
we understand the importance of making a lasting impression while safeguarding your online standing.

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Broadcast & Live Events

Broadcast and live events refer to the real-time transmission of audiovisual content to a wide audience. In the context of media and entertainment, broadcast typically involves television and radio programs that are distributed to viewers and listeners. These can range from news broadcasts and sports events to entertainment shows and documentaries.

Live events, on the other hand, encompass a broad spectrum of occasions, including concerts, sports matches, conferences, and cultural performances, where the audience experiences the event as it unfolds in real-time. Both broadcast and live events leverage various technologies, such as cameras, microphones, and streaming platforms, to reach a global or localized audience.

These forms of media play a crucial role in delivering information, entertainment, and cultural experiences to people worldwide, making them integral components of the modern media landscape.

Steal the show

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Perfect pixels

WebsUtility, the platform trusted by industry leaders like FOX Sports, Moment Factory, and The Weather Channel, empowers you to seamlessly blend live action with CG effortlessly, wherever and whenever you desire. Whether your vision demands photorealism or unleashes wild, imaginative styles, the WebsUtility platform is your gateway to turning ideas into reality.

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The right fit

Begin seamlessly blending live action with CG, whether you're in the studio, the cloud, or anywhere around the globe. Join the ranks of FOX Sports, Moment Factory, and The Weather Channel by placing your trust in the same platform. Whether you're aiming for photorealism or pushing the boundaries with wild styles, Unreal Engine is your key to unlocking that unforgettable moment of creative brilliance.

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Strong and steady

In the world of live broadcasts, there's no margin for error. WebsUtility is your rock-solid platform, never faltering when you need it most. Whether you're running LED boards for seven straight hours or powering a ticker day in and day out, count on us. When you want it, it'll be there, without fail.

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Broadcast cinematics explained!

Discover the groundbreaking genre reshaping live broadcast television in our latest Real-Time Explainer. Get the complete inside scoop on the exciting realm of broadcast cinematics and ensure you're at the forefront of this brave new world. Dive in today!

FOX Sports' Super Bowl AR extravaganza

FOX Sports raised the bar for this year's Super Bowl coverage, introducing 3D representations of players, coaches, and the global pop sensation Rihanna, all thanks to their cutting-edge AR studio powered by WebsUtility.

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In the realm of live production, compatibility is key. WebsUtility ensures a harmonious ecosystem, from formats and protocols to hardware and software. The Live Link plugin effortlessly syncs with popular 3D tracking systems. Support for protocols like OSC enables versatile device control and communication. You can trust that leading media I/O formats, such as HAP, Apple ProRes, and Avid DNxHD, are always seamlessly integrated. We aim for a plug-and-play experience whenever possible, simplifying your workflow.

Comprehensive real-
time compositing toolset

WebsUtility's Composure, an integrated compositor, revolutionizes real-time VFX within the Unreal Editor. Achieve in-camera real-time VFX with ease. Our robust toolset includes an advanced green-screen keyer, virtual camera support, and a comprehensive array of post-process effects. Enjoy features like color grading, filmic tonemapping, Open Color IO, depth-of-field, lens flare, lens distortion, light wrap, bloom, and vignetting, all at your fingertips.

Multi-display rendering

WebsUtility's trusted Display system empowers you to render real-time content at any resolution and showcase it across a spectrum of physical and projected screens. Whether it's powerwalls, domes, CAVEs, or LED walls, we've got you covered. Render scenes from networked workstations or multiple instances of Unreal Engine on a single workstation – nDisplay guarantees precise synchronization, ensuring your content is flawlessly presented, every time.

Advanced particles,
effects, and physics

Unleash film-quality VFX magic in your productions using Niagara, Unreal Engine's versatile tool for customizable particle systems. Infuse your scenes with dynamic particle lights and craft intricate particle motion using vector fields. For a thrilling touch, fracture, shatter, and demolish colossal environments with the Chaos physics and destruction system. It's not just work; it's fun and boundless creativity.

What sets Webs Utility apart?  

No pressure to proceed.

We don’t believe in forcing clients to keep our services any longer than you want to. While we’d love to work with you for years to come, if all you really need is a few months of setup, we have your back.

Stellar communication.

We consider it a must for any good resource to be able to communicate with all kinds of folks — from project managers, developers, and designers to C-level executives and customer service representatives. We also emphasize using personalized communication styles that will be relevant to each role.

Fast on-boarding.

When you’re looking for a new tester, that usually means you need QA yesterday. While we don’t offer time travel services (yet!), when we join your project, we’re focused on getting up to speed from day one. Your real estate portal as a service doesn’t have to be complicated!

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