Custom Web Designing

Create a unique online experience for your page visitors and strengthen your brand. To provide solutions that add standard and value to our customers business,purchase advanced technology in the IT industry.

Custom Web Designing

We put all our strength to build the high quality MI website as a custom website is builder sparkline requirement and specification.

Best Project Business Project Package Static Website

  • 1 Home and 9 inside pages(About us, Vision, Mission, products, Services, contact us, etc)
  • Logo design.
  • 10 POP Server Emails.
  • 1 Year of Technical Support
  • Life Time Code Guarantee.
  • Website As per Google Norms.
  • Basic SEO 3 Months Google Listing
  • Copyright For the Website.
  • Total Cost: INR 30,000 = $450 = AED 1500 = SAR 1600

    1.Design Requirement statement or HRS: A set of questions would be sent to you to obtain information related to your preferences, choice of design, etc. to understand your expectations.

    2. Demo Design: On the basis of the supplied material and our survey of your requirement, a demo page would be designed. This would be sent for your review. If you require some changes to this you can simply email us the same. The modified page with all the changes incorporated would be emailed back for your approval. This process would be repeated until we receive your confirmation for the screens.




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    AngularJS is a JavaScript open-source front-end framework that is mainly used to develop single-page web applications(SPAs). It is a continuously growing and expanding framework which provides better ways for developing web applications. 


    It is a popular open-source Typescript framework created by Google for developing web applications. Front-end developers use frameworks like Angular or React for presenting and manipulating data efficiently. 


    It supports the Model-View-Controller design. The view processes the information available in the model to generate the output 


    It uses components and directives. Components are the directives with a template. 


    It does not use Dependency Injection. 


    Angular is supported by all the popular mobile browsers. 


    It is less manageable in comparison to Angular. 


    It has a better structure compared to AngularJS, easier to create and maintain for large applications but behind AngularJS in the case of 

    small applications. 

    ANGULARJSWritten in JavaScript. 


    Written in Microsoft’s TypeScript language, which is a superset of ECMAScript 6 (ES6). 


    It only supports JavaScript. ANGULAR 

    It provides support for TypeScript and 


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