E-Commerce Web Designing

Get a Complete Online AI based system to sell your products and Services Globally.

E-Commerce Web Designing

We are here to provide complete Global Payment Gateway Solutions all over the world.

Webs Utility Global have the Online payment gateway access for all Countries.Below is the Advance E-Commerce Portal structure in Detail.

Section 1 : Homepage Design The homepage will have the following features:

  • Tabs: The categories—which will be manageable from the admin panel will serve as the tabs.
  • Mouse over on the categories will list the subcategories.
  • On clicking category/subcategory the products will be displayed.
  • Select Currency (Dropdown, User will select currency and price will be shown in that currency only.Default currency will be USD)
  • Banners: The banners on the homepage as well as on the inner pages will be manageable from the admin panel.
  • Links Register and Login/My Account and Logout
  • About Us , Privacy Policy , Terms and Conditions , Etc.(only content pages)
  • Search: The search functionality will have a textbox to enter a keyword and dropdowns to select the
  • category and sub category.
  • Featured Products: Products set as featured by the admin will be displayed in this section.
  • Section 2 : Product Listing The product listing will include the following detail

  • Image
  • Product Name
  • Brand Name
  • Price
  • Discounted Price
  • View Details (Button)
  • Filter: The user will be able to filter the results by category, brand, color and size and, price range.

    Sort: The user can sort the products by name or price in increasing or decreasing order.

    Related Products: Related products as set by the admin will be shown in this section.

    Clicking the View Details button will redirect the user to the product’s detailed description page

    Section 3 : Product Detailed Description Page The product’s detailed description page will show the following detailsabout the product:

  • Product Image
  • Product Name
  • Brand Name
  • Description
  • Price
  • Discounted Price
  • Buttons
  • Print
  • Add to Cart
  • Add to Wish list
  • Section 4 Shopping Cart : A link to the shopping cart will be present on every page of the website to facilitate one-click access. The shopping cart will show the following details about the product added:

  • Image
  • Product Name
  • Order Quantity (Textbox; to allow the user to change the quantity)
  • Price
  • Discounted Price
  • Product’s Total Price (Depending upon the quantity)
  • Remove From Cart (Button)
  • Update Cart (Button)
  • Total Amount Payable (For all the products in the cart)
  • Apply Coupon (Button)
  • Checkout as Guest (Button) Apply Coupon
  • On the same page, the member will be able to apply coupon as follows:
  • Code (Textbox)
  • Apply (Button)
  • Applying a coupon will reflect the change in the total amount payable. The same will also be shown in the invoice. Clicking the Checkout button will allow the user to proceed with checkout. The Guest Checkout option will allow him to place the order without registration/login.

    Section 5 : Manage Orders The orders placed from the frontend will be tracked in this section. The admin will be able to edit the payment status and the order status for the orders placed. The admin can search for orders using the order ID or the e-mail ID of the buyer.

    Filter: The admin can filter the records on the basis of their order status, state and city, and date of posting of order. Pagination: The order records may span across multiple pages and the admin can set the number of records to be displayed per page.

    Section 6 : Manage Banners Admin will be able to add new banners or edit, delete, activate, and deactivate existing ones in this section. Adding new banner will require the admin to enter the following details:

  • Banner Title (Textbox)
  • Banner Position (Dropdown)
  • If position is homepage
  • Text (Textbox)
  • Banner Image (Upload from local disk)
  • URL (Textbox)
  • Deactivated banners will not appear in the frontend.
  • Section 7 : Manage CMS Pages The content for static pages, such as, About Us, Privacy Policy, and Legal Disclaimer can be added or edited using an easy-to-use Content Management System (CMS).

    Section 8 :Manage Enquiries (Contact Us) Any enquiry posted by a visitor on the Contact Us page can be tracked by the admin in this section. Admin will have the control to choose how many records need to be displayed per page. Admin will be able to delete the records, if necessary. Admin can reply to enquiries individually, or select multiple and respond to them with a common answer.

    Section 9 : Manage FAQs The admin will be able to add unlimited FAQs and modify or delete the existing for users’ help.

    Section 10 : Manage Newsletters Admin will be able to view a list of e-mail IDs of the members subscribed to the newsletter service. The records will be displayed in pages and the admin will be able to set the number of listings to be displayed per page

    Admin will be able to perform a search for subscribers based on their e-mail IDs and also delete subscriber records from the database. The admin can preview the mail before it is sent and send the mail to either all the subscribers or only the ones selected.

    Section 11 :Manage Testimonials Admin can edit, delete, activate, and deactivate testimonials in this section.

    Section 12 : Manage Search Engine Optimization Admin of the website will be able to update the Meta tag’s of the website. If admin update the keywords, Meta tag of such a page which already has Meta tag’s, system will generate a warning message to only change those keywords with which the site is not picked by search engines.

    Section 13 : Manage Admin Settings Admin will be able to update the password of the admin control panel and the e-mail ID used to dispatch automated mails from website. The admin will be able to manage the following:

  • Google analytic code
  • Google web master code
  • Social media links
  • Home Page Design : 3-4 working days Inside pages design : 10-12 working Days
  • Control Panel Creation to manage the content of the each page : 15-20 working days.
  • Note : those days will not be considered which are taken to implements your given changes please in the time link. Working & Development Life Cycle in Detail
  • Section 11 :Manage Testimonials Admin can edit, delete, activate, and deactivate testimonials in this section.

    Section 12 : Manage Search Engine Optimization Admin of the website will be able to update the Meta tag’s of the website. If admin update the keywords, Meta tag of such a page which already has Meta tag’s, system will generate a warning message to only change those keywords with which the site is not picked by search engines.

    Section 13 : Manage Admin Settings Admin will be able to update the password of the admin control panel and the e-mail ID used to dispatch automated mails from website. The admin will be able to manage the following:

  • Google analytic code
  • Google web master code
  • Social media links
  • Home Page Design : 3-4 working days Inside pages design : 10-12 working Days
  • Control Panel Creation to manage the content of the each page : 15-20 working days.
  • Note : those days will not be considered which are taken to implements your given changes please in the time link. Working & Development Life Cycle in Detail
  • 1st Phase : Home Page Designing Phase :

    • 1) A mail with suggestions, questions regarding your requirements for the home page would be sent to you.
    • 2) Your reply would state your confirmation to our suggestions as well as provide a precise specifications list.
    • 3) Initiation of Home Page designing conforming to the standards agreed to in the mail .
    • 4) The Home Page would be uploaded on a temporary link and sent for your approval.
    • 5) You would send your feedback and suggest changes (if any).
    • 6) Minimal changes may be needed since development would be in agreement to the per- decided specifications. A feedback in one-go would facilitate systematic functioning.
    • 7) The rectifications would be made from our end.
    • 8) The first phase completion would be on receipt of a final approval / confirmation mail from you.

    2nd Phase : Designing and Development phase :

    • 1) This would be initiated on the completion of the 1st phase.
    • 2) This would involve the designing of the inside pages.
    • 3) You may see that how the design would be looking of the inside pages of your website.
    • 4) You may give your feedback and suggestions on the design as per your requirements we will be implementing the design.

    3rd Phase Programming and Development Phase :

  • After approval of the design part we will be proceeding for the complete development of the website that will involve the programming, coding and all.
  • 2) All the section of the website would be tested for bugs and the same fixed at our end.
  • Social media links
  • 3) All the modules and functionality as per the deliverable committed would be shown to you on a temporary link.
  • This would be the beta version and would be delivered as per the given time.
  • 4th Phase Testing phase

    • 1) Debugging of errors cited by you (if any) and re-testing of the same would be done in 1 or 2 working days.
    • 2) The completed site would be uploaded and delivered to you.
    • After your website goes live and is viewable to all, we give an additional 45 days time period, during which any on- line technical difficulty faced by you in the modules delivered to you as per the conformed specifications would be taken care by us free of cost. So there will be four stages in Project

    • 1.RAW development
    • 2.Release of Design of the inside
    • pages 3.BETA VERSION
    • 4.Online Run

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