Hybrid App Development

Our Process Discovery We work with clients to understand their business and we merge their initial concept with everything the Mobiversal team knows about mobile.

Hybrid App Designing & Development

Here, we’re drafting a skeletal framework for the app in the form of wireframes. Design When it comes to first impressions, it’s all about design.

We’ll put our passion for good design to work and based on approved wireframes we’ll design all screens. Development The development process is broken down into sprints based on feature sets. Our agile-based development process will allow you to regularly review and assess what we’re building. Quality Assurance Our Quality Assurance team will test the app after each development sprint and once all major functionality is implemented, we’ll prepare a Beta Build. Launch After passing the Beta Build through a final round of QA and refinements, we’ll have in our hands a Release Candidate Build.it will allow access only to those who paid to download the files. In order to achieve this, the backend will have a mechanism for adding new valid payments ( the backend will validate the payment with Apple and Google) and a mechanism for downloading content with valid payment tokens.

We can either submit the app to the App Stores or provide you with everything you need to do it yourself. Maintenance We provide our clients with a 3 months bug fixing period, free of charge, and maintenance packages that cover everything from small updates all the way to whole new versions. The mobile apps will be installed for free and will contain 2-3 free fitness techniques. In order to have all fitness techniques, the app will let the user make In-App Purchases for unlocking the entire functionality. After a successful payment. The admin area will let you see a list with all the payments that have been done with the app. This list will be protected with a login screen.

How Application Helps Your Business

Here, we're drafting a skeletal structure for the application as wireframes. Plan When it comes to initial feelings, everything's with regards to plan.

1. About app. This description will be received from the client.

2.List of fitness techniques. This list can contain only the free techniques or all of them in case the premium upgrade was done. In case the user didn’t pay for all the techniques, he/she will be able to see that from this screen and opt to buy the rest of the techniques.

3.Fitness methodology details screen will have the name and statement text for the fitness technique and the possibility to play a video.

4.Download files. The app will be small in file size and only if the user pays for the full performance, it will download the rest of the files.

5.Payment. The payment will be done using In-App Payments features from Apple and Google.

6.recall a payment. In case the user already purchased the full-featured app and buys a new phone, he should be able to download the content for free if he paid once. Technical solution We are using RUP (Rational Unified Process), so the development of parts from the components can be done in parallel. The diagram from the costs and timeline will explain how the components are done in parallel.

Technologies proposed for the development

1.Backend and Database We have selected a Javascript-based stack to contrivance the backend, based on NodeJS, ExpressJS, and SailsJS. As opposed to more traditional technologies, Javascript is a newer one but growing quickly on the server-side, and we selected it because of its stellar performance and better scalability.

2.Admin Area and Website (web client) The admin area will have a simpler UI and functionality and will be execute using a template based on Bootstrap 3.0. Both the website and the admin area will run on all major current browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer.

3.Mobile app The Android mobile client application will run on all phones with Android 4.0 or newer that include Google services. The iOS mobile client application will run on all devices with iOS 8.0 or newer.

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