Linkedin Lead Generation

What is LinkedIn Lead Generation?

LinkedIn lead generation is a process of securing leads for your business from the LinkedIn platform that will result in a boosted sales pipeline.
It works well (for certain B2B industries) because a) your target audience is already on it, and b) it is used for business and connecting, unlike Facebook for instance, which is built for socializing and keeping in touch with friends and family.
But … there’s no silver bullet to effective lead generation, and LinkedIn is no exception.

Webs Utility's LinkedIn lead generation process


Finding ideal prospects

  • We elaborately understand the clients’ business and identify their business niche from LinkedIn.
  • We then try and identify the prospects related to their business with the permutation and combination of the designations in the LinkedIn.
  • Having thoroughly understood the boolean algorithm of LinkedIn our team searches the professionals and helps them connect with the respective business owners.


Send requests to the potential prospects

  • Our team identifies the professionals that would add value to our client’s business, and a sustainable amount of connect requests to the professionals on LinkedIn.
  • Care is taken to adhere to the norms prescribed by Linkedin and to send only feasible connect requests to the professionals.
  • We ensure to authentically and organically send connect requests to the professionals that might be converted to a prospective lead.


Send bespoke message

  • Our team then curates custom messages for each prospective lead addressing their business’s needs and the reason to connect with them.
  • This is the most crucial stage wherein our team takes care to understand their business, relate it with our client’s business, and then send bespoke messages to each prospective lead.
  • Only bespoke messages are sent to prospective leads and not any random predefined set of messages. This is what distinguishes one connect request from the other.


Take diligent follow-ups of the leads

  • Our team takes diligent follow-up with the prospective leads to set up meetings with the client.
  • Our team curates a day, date, and time slots to take follow-up for each connected prospects.
  • The follow-ups are scheduled in such a way that ensures the client does not miss to take the notice of it.
  • We custom-curate the follow-up messages to seamlessly enquire about the prospect’s availability to schedule the meeting.


Help prospects fix meetings

  • Our team ensures to help our clients fix the meetings.
  • We schedule and re-schedule the meetings until the best time is suited for both the parties and keep a track – record of the follow-ups for the meeting until it is fixed for both the parties.


Keep a detailed record of the leads

  • We ensure to keep a track record of all the leads.
  • This includes keeping track of the prospects that we have reached out to send connect requests, the prospects who have accepted the connect requests, and all those prospective leads that have agreed for the meeting with our client.
  • This way it becomes easier for our clients to keep a track record of all the LinkedIn activities to help in measuring the output.

Wondering how much a Linkedin Lead Generation Service will cost?

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Our LinkedIn Lead Generation Services

We help amazing companies to attract more of their ideal clients using LinkedIn. Our B2B Lead Generation service has been carefully designed to build your online presence whilst also accurately reflecting your brand and positioning you as a trusted leader in your industry.

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Network Expansion

We will connect you with more of your target audience, industry influencers and referral partners.

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Engaging Content

We will ensure that valuable content is consistently shared with your target market.

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Profile Optimisation

We’ll ensure that your key employees have a strong, conversion-focused Linkedin profile.

Why Choose Webs Utility?

With the proven track record of all the LinkedIn activities, we provide a quantifiable ROI for our clients. Helping our clients to connect with the senior-level and decision making professionals on LinkedIn who are from the same business vertical as them, help our clients to garner more business, increase and improve their sales activity for a sustainable business model. With the quantifiable results, enhanced LinkedIn account to make it more prospect friendly, we make it easy for our clients to channelize their efforts in generating more businesses by targeting business-relevant professionals and decision-makers on LinkedIn.

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