User Acceptance Testing Services

“End-to-end User Acceptance Testing Services”

To Administer and Provide Validation for Your Software Product.

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User Acceptance Testing (UAT) is that part of the testing cycle performed to verify that the delivered solution meets the business, user and performance requirements from the user perspective. UAT is typically the last stage of the testing process before releasing the software product to market.

The primary objective of UAT is to prove that the business process is satisfied by the delivered solution and all business processes will be exercised including batch, periodic and scheduled processes from end-to-end.

Reconciliation of records, record content, values and volumes will also generally be undertaken to ensure that, especially in financial applications, nothing has been lost and functionality has not been adversely affected by release of the new or updated version of the software (unless it is designed so to do).

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Benefits of User Acceptance Testing

Unlike other software testing processes, UAT benefits everyone connected with the software solution, including the vendor, engineering team, stakeholders, testers, and end users. Here are some benefits realized by User Acceptance Testing:

Webs Utility Global | Atomation Testing

Client satisfaction increases as UAT provides increased confidence that the software will work as required in environment which reflects reality as closely as possible.

Webs Utility Global |  Atomation Testing

By the time that UAT takes place, the testers involved in the cycle will know the solution in depth and will understand what is required of it.

Webs Utility Global | Atomation Testing

The vendor and client have a final opportunity to work together to ensure that business will be supported by the solution once it is released.

Webs Utility Global |  Atomation Testing

UAT is the final check of the solution prior to implementation. It is the last opportunity for issues to be identified and managed.

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UAT provides an opportunity for the end user to understand the upcoming release in more depth prior to its implementation.

Webs Utility Global |  Atomation Testing

Final training and documentation needs can be fulfilled before the solution is released.

Can't find what you need?Start today with efficient and reliable User Acceptance Testing services from experts

Our Workflow for User Acceptance Testing

Our entire process of user acceptance testing can be divided into 6 phases:


Business Requirements Analysis

In the first phase the business requirements are analyzed by studying documents such as the:

  • Project charter.
  • Process execution diagrams.

UAT Test Plan Creation

Here, we outline the strategy that will be used to verify that a system meets the business needs.


Test Scenario and Test Cases Identification

Test scenarios are identified and the test cases are created with clear test steps. We ensure that the test cases sufficiently cover the maximum, pragmatic, testabe UAT scenarios.


Test Data Preparation

Where available, live data will be used for UAT. To alleviate security and privacy concerns, data may be obfuscated to ensure that there are no legal breaches during testing. If live data is not available, due to privacy or security concerns, data may be generated either manually or programmatically.


Running Test Cases and Recording Results

Test cases are executed, and the deviations from expectation (if any) are reported. Re-testing is performed for any bugs identified once they have been fixed. Appropriate Test Management tools are used for execution and documentation of tests and defect management.


Business Objectives Confirmation

Ideally, the end-user is involved in the planning, execution and reporting of UAT. However this is performed, in agreement with the customer, all reporting will be provided to the customer for review and formal sign-off.

Our User Acceptance Testing Services

At Webs Utility, we offer an extensive range of User Acceptance testing services including:

Alpha and Beta Testing

Alpha testing is generally performed in a development environment long before software is released to customers. Beta testing, or field testing, is usually performed in the users’ environment. Webs Utility offers both alpha and beta testing for your software products to give your users a seamless experience.

Regulation Acceptance Testing

This type of User Acceptance Testing verifies that the software product complies with legislative, governance and industry standards, as appropriate, which will have been identified in the Testing Strategy and Planning stage. KiwiQA offers thorough Regulation Acceptance Testing to ensure your product is legally and ethically fit to be released to market.

Contract Acceptance Testing

Contract Acceptance Testing is performed to check if the developed software meets the specifications and criteria defined in an agreed contract or agreement. KiwiQA offers complete Contract Acceptance Testing to make sure that developed software has been designed according to the specifications mentioned in the contract.

Operational Acceptance Testing

We offer quality-rich Operational Acceptance Testing to make sure there are appropriate workflows readily available for the software to be easily used by the consumers.

What sets Webs Utility apart?

We use the best practices based on industry standards to render top-quality User Acceptance testing.

Our well-trained and highly experienced in-house testers have in-depth knowledge in the latest trends and methods of User Acceptance testing.

With our User Acceptance Testing Service, you can obtain a high return on your investment.

Our testing teams can provide the discipline and testing knowledge needed to supplement your business testers to ensure a better outcome.

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